Class: Elemental Attacker
Favorite Food: Chocolate Fudge Balls
Sign: Planet
Cute savagery. Panzer is Jimmy’s little sister, but she doesn’t seem to care much about this whole rebellion and relic hunting thing. Actually, we can’t really know for sure, since she talks little and growls a lot! Panzer behaves like a wild beast and she’s very aggressive and volatile.
Panzer wears a Badger pajama, and only that (no one on the ship has seen her wearing anything else), and brings a flamethrower into battle. She is unpredictable and, in many ways, naïve. She has the curiosity and sense of freedom of a cat, and will often disappear – only to show up later in the most unexpected places.
Panzer usually listens only to her brother Jimmy, but Pinkyy has started to gain her confidence by exploiting Panzer’s weak spot: chocolate fudge balls!